Three Motions Towards a Soundscape
Three Motions Towards a Soundscape explores Korean type through its connection to sound and its expressive design manifested in onomatopoeia words.
From its conception, the written Korean language was tightly linked with sound, and even the spoken language has a close relationship to it, boasting many onomatopoeias. Presented here are three words among them: 보글보글 (bo-gle bo-gle), the sound of something boiling, 소곤소곤 (so-gon so-gon), the sound of whispers, and 후다닥 (hoo-da-dak), the sound of rushing.
This work was made in collaboration with the very best Judy K. Suh and originally exhibited at Co-Prosperity Sphere in Bridgeport, Chicago, IL for Typeforce 11.
Jackson Ammenheuser, Megan Jedrysiak, Judy K. Suh
Sound: Alex Maerbach
Fabrication Assistance: Dena Springer
Installation Timelapse
Process Shots
Original Footage
Cropping & Masking
Color & Selective Blurring